Tappet Chatter Technical Articles
The advent of the Internet has changed access to much of the advice previously the exclusive domain of club centred technical subjects. However, the 'crossover' from the printed copy to a digital format has left knowledge gaps in MGCC vehicle maintenance and repair techniques from an era which pre dates many current readers and the internet. This index combines both the printed and digital of Publications content, offering access and insight into past and present MG related mechanical problems and remedies. Note, authors occasionally offer subject title descriptions that while relevant at the time, are for later readers unrecognisable. Therefore these title descriptions have been culled to reflect only the subject.
This Technical Subjects Index was compiled from technical submissions developed or reported by members of the MGCCC and published in Publications (TC).
The first entry dated Oct 79 is taken from TC 018 subject - Hydrogen an alternative fuel. The binding of publications ceased at Tappet Chatter issue TC 382 (Dec 2013) though transitory printed copies were provided at cost through to copy TC 466. Access to the bound Technical Subjects Index prior to issue TC 383, is through the club librarian - conditions apply.
TC 368 introduced the digital publication in Sept 2012. The digital technical index content can only be accessed through the MGCCC website.
New technical subject submissions for publication on the Club's website (www.mgcccanberra.org.au) can be forwarded to the Club secretary and Club website manager. Acceptance in the form of publication and listing in the TC Technical Index, is at the discretion of the MGCCC secretary.
Geoff Piddington
October 2022
To access the technical articles in this index, please use the following link:
Tappet Chatter Archive